In Digiteam we need to define roles and the possible state of each of them. What role does the agent play in the organization? This will depend on each company. To register these roles, go to the vertical menu, on the left of the page, click REGISTRATION > AGENT > CATEGORY, this screen shows the list of categories already registered and the NEW button to add a new one.
You can create a hierarchy level, the subcategory. Located where this subcategory will be created, at the end of the line there is the '+' icon that adds it. To view the subcategories, simply click on the indicator on the right side of the category to open the list. A check in and check out form can be added for each subcategory.
And finally, within the subcategory it is possible to register the status of the agents that play this role. This status is shown on Digiteam through colors and icons (in the case of a map). These indicators must be configured by the administrator.
Essas categorias e subcategorias serão selecionadas no cadastro do úsuário.
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