When adding an Etoi type form, the agent has the possibility of following an order to complete it. It is important to remember that, if the user does not have all the information at the moment, they can SAVE the form and then return to SEND. Below we guide how the task should be completed:
1.Select the Etoi form.
2.On the first page, consumer information and the type of connection are requested.
3.After that, the agent can continue filling out the form.
4.On the second page, it is necessary to provide the transformation data, in this case the agent has two options:
- Select the field “THERE IS A METER IN THE UC” as “no” or “yes”
- If you select the “YES” option, you must fill in the data on the meters found and the seals.
5. On the following pages it is necessary to provide inspection data.
After completing all the form fields, the user can select the “SEND” button, but if they are unsure of any information they can select the “SAVE” button and then return to the form and send it. It is worth noting that the form once sent cannot be edited.
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